Besenzoni explain their renewed company strategy

Categories: Accessories, News
Besenzoni explain their renewed company strategy

Besenzoni, one of the world leaders in boating components and parts, are implementing their renewed corporate strategy to deal with the new emergency situation caused by the spread of Covid19.

Besenzoni re-opens and puts safety first. In line with the most recent government guidelines and in full compliance with the new regulations to prevent the spread of Covid19, the Sarnico-based company will re-open all its operations and business activities.

They moved in advance

Even before social distancing became mandatory everywhere, Besenzoni had already planned how to reorganize their work activities, where possible, and put into practice the smart working in sales, design and after-sales service departments.


Logistics, Purchasing, Production planning departments were also completely reorganized in the days immediately after the announcement of social distancing measures: today they are fully operational.

A rotating ladder, hi-tech chairs, and more: here’s the latest from Besenzoni

Besenzoni, 50 years on the edge

The Company has also focused on production activities, which have been completely transformed by modifying both the layout of individual work stations and of the production line as a whole, making it more flexible and guaranteeing the health and safety of all the staff.


Departments have been sanitized and each employee has been provided with adequate protective equipment as well as information about its use. The rules governing personal safety will also be strictly adhered to by our couriers, suppliers and all those who visit the company.

The importance of after-sales: Besenzoni can count 160 operating units worldwide

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BoatMag editorial team

Claudio Russo e Alberto Mondinelli, i fondatori di BoatMag, due giornalisti con una lunga esperienza di lavoro nelle principali testate di nautica.
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